
Whistler GT-468GXi Europa incl. LIFETIME UPDATES!

(3 customer reviews)

Original price was: $ 832.Current price is: $ 649.



  • 360° MAXX COVERAGE detects from front, sides, and rear


The newest generation gps radar detector of Whistler Group. The new Whistler GT468GXi Euro version!

  • FDSR (Field Disturbance Sensor Rejection) combats false alerts caused by collision avoidance and blind spot detection systems in newer vehicles
  • TFSR (Traffic Flow Sensor Rejection) helps eliminate alerts from radar based traffic flow sensors
  • DETECTS EUROPEAN LASER GUNS Trafficpatrol XR, Reigl, Jenoptik, Laveg, Truspeed and more
  • RED OLED TEXT DISPLAY provides better contrast, brightness and color. Shows alerts detected, engaged modes and digital signal strength in text format (i.e. HIGHWAY or Ka9).
  • Ka NARROW MODE looks only for the following Ka Frequencies: 34.0 GHz and 34.3 GHz
  • SELECTABLE LASER MODES allow selection of multiple pulse rate segments including TRAFFIPATROL XR, LISD, and laser guns with STEALTH MODES
  • X/K FILTER MODES offer multiple levels of signal processing to reduce false alerts caused by some radar detectors.
  • Ka FILTER MODES offer multiple levels of signal processing to reduce false alerts caused by some radar detectors
  • WHISTLER EXCLUSIVE LASER SIGNATURE ID (LSID) Laser Identifier indicates the Pulses Per Second (PPS) transmitted by Speed Laser or other forms of laser sources.
  • POP™ MODE DETECTION advanced speed detection capability responds to brief bursts of radar
  • ALERT PERISCOPES LED’s on top of the unit provide additional visual alert
  • SELECTABLE TONE ALERTS allow choice of tones providing distinct audible alerts for bands received
  • 360° MAXX COVERAGE detects from front, sides, and rear
  • 3 CITY MODES (City, City 1, City 2) reduce the annoyance of false alerts
  • HIGH GAIN LENS provides increased field of view which means better range
  • STAY ALERT™ Whistler’s exclusive feature that tests your alertness on long trips
  • DIM / DARK MODES reduce the illumination of the display. When in dark mode, the display is turned off during an alert then remains off for 20 more seconds before returning to its dimmer setting.
  • QUIET / AUTO QUIET MODES silence audio alerts
  • ALERT PRIORITY displays most important signal when more than one is detected
  • SETTING SAVER saves personalized settings when unit is turned off
  • SELECTABLE VEHICLE BATTERY SAVER allows you to customize the automatic shut down feature
  • VG-2 DETECTION when feature is engaged the unit will alert to VG-2 when detected

3 reviews for Whistler GT-468GXi Europa incl. LIFETIME UPDATES!

  1. French


    Peut recommander cet appareil! Demander une réduction 😉 Livraison rapide et bon support. Merci !!

  2. Spanish

    Radar Shop Team

    ESTE dispositivo es bueno pero no ofrece soporte multaradar. Para España y Portugal recomendamos un dispositivo con Multaradar: Genevo One M o Navty P1.

  3. German

    Radar Shop Team

    Der Whistler GT468GXi EU bietet als Mittelklasse 3 in 1 Gerät ordentliche Performance sowohl bei Radar und Laser sowie POI Warnung. Hervorzuheben ist, dass Whistler hier auf die SCDB Datenbank zurückgreift und somit ist das Gerät mit lebenslangen Updates eines der günstigsten 3 in 1 Geräte mit GPS für Deutschland aber auch für Europa, wenn man auf das Low Powered Radar wie MRCD / MRCT / GATSO verzichten kann, da in Deutschland nicht im Einsatz. Daher lautet unser Fazit: Sehr gute Preis&Leistung und empfehlenswerter Radarwarner der Mittelklasse für Deutschland.

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